Monday, October 19, 2009

One of these things is not like the other...

Many time since I've started medical school, I've gotten the feeling that I don't quite fit in. I don't mean that in a whiny, "nobody likes me" way, just that in the course of typical medical school activities, I sometimes realize a new way that I am different than the my classmates. There are lots of these examples, but this post is about one that happened today, in one of the million small group sessions we have for our Respiratory course.

I forget why, but for some reason the conversation landed on "back-up plans", what we would do if medical school didn't work out. I don't think any of us are actually expecting to need these, but it's kind of nice to fantasize about an alternate life when the pressure of medical school gets too high. But after today, I'm starting to think that I need to get a new back up plan...

The other people in my group had back up plans like "wedding planner" or "librarian". Guess what mine is: Pharmacist. No, seriously, it is, and I tell people that all the time. Way less time in school than medical school, but killer compensation when you are done. (Not that I'm in it for the money, but still.)

What does it say about me that my back up is so similar to my current plan? Obviously, the fact that I have a sister who's a pharmacist has something to do with it, I think, but I can't even think of a non-medical fallback career I'd be interested in. I think I need to work on that...maybe alpaca farmer? (Come to think of it, I do think that would be a pretty sweet gig. They're so cute!)

1 comment:

  1. If you ever start an alpaca farm, we are going to buy land close by! Or at least ask you if we can farm some of your land and have a few other animals at your place =) I don't think, however, that you should ever give up on your backup plan. I think the fact that it's still in the medical field says that you are 'wired' that way and it's a gifting you have been given to be able to perform in that capacity. Embrace it! Go against the flow! Kee[ shining like you always do =)
