Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What have I gotten myself into?

I die a little bit inside every time I see doctor bloggers complain that the 80 hour per week limit for residents is not enough time for them to learn everything.

Is is just me, or does 80 hours a week seem like too many hours already? I mean, I can see that 40 hours is really not a lot, so I'm okay with more than that. Plus, I understand that in residency, they push to get more experience in in a shorter time. And I know there is a LOT to learn, so it takes time to learn it all.

But hearing about what's coming at a time when I feel like I am already spending every waking minute studying or thinking about how I should be studying, makes me feel like the next 6 years of my life are going to be more of the same.

I guess it's good that I'm teaching myself to like coffee now, because it looks like I'm going to need it...

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